Hobby Project: ProfilePeek App
10:50, 27.09.2022
Blog / Hobby Project: ProfilePeek App
We are so pleased with how this app turned out! Twitter is definitely one of the most popular social networks, and the large number of famous and influential people who use it makes it especially important, allowing Twitter to have a huge impact on society.
Realizing this, our CEO Primož Cigoj decided to create an application that will make it easier for everyone to analyze Twitter profiles and allow us to see certain patterns of the most popular ones, but also of all other users.
Take a sneak peek into your favourite celebrity profile here: https://profilepeek.org/
Twitter analytics application gives you rich insights about any public Twitter profile. We gather real-time data about topics, mentions, hashtags, followers, location and more!
On this app you can find out at what time of day a certain person posts most frequently, which day of the week they are most inspired to post, as well as which topics inspire them and many other details related to the statistics of each public Twitter profile.
Whether you need this information for detailed analysis or simply for fun, maybe trying to copy certain patterns of your favourite celebrity when it comes to posting on Twitter - we're glad to have created an app that you can all use in so many different ways!
Let us know what you think? Do you enjoy using it?

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